June 20, 2012

I feel GOOD!

THE BRAIN FOG IS LIFTING! I don't feel like I have a dense fog sitting between my face and my brain!

Today in my chiropractors office, after my massage, I wasn't sleepy! I was relaxed, but NOT sleepy! This is HUGE!

I have loads of energy but no pounding heart or jitters!

Sigh, I love iron and CT3M.

Here's what the past couple of days have looked like:

I started CT3M with my T3 on Monday morning.  18.75 mcg at 5:30 AM, (rise at about 7:30 or 8), 1.5 grains NDT at noon

Monday 6/18
 7:30 AM - 97.57, 106/71, 97
10 AM 98.34, 101/69, 83
2:20 PM 98.61 102/74, 87
10:30 PM 98.21, 100/68, 82

This day was really not any different from the past few weeks, except for being out of breath.  That was new.

Tuesday 6/19
8 AM 97.54, 100/76, 83
11:30 AM 98.80, 101/75, 83
12:30 98.69
2 PM 98.81, 111/75, 100 - elevated heart rate
4:30 PM 98.63, 108/74, 95
10:20 PM 106/71, 91

  • I noticed this day that my temps rose sooner than usual, and they were higher than usual by afternoon. 
  • I got sleepy later in the day than usual.  4 as opposed to 12 or 1.  Good!
  • I had less nausea, which I have had daily in the past few weeks ever since I had dropped CM dose to 2 grains.
  • I had less dizziness than usual.

I started dosing my iron multiple times a day instead of just once - 4 hours away from my T3 - and increased the dose. 
I took my NDT sublingually, which is a change from previously chewing it. 
Mid-afternoon I felt jittery, heart pounding. 

Blood sugar dropped slightly below normal at 4 PM.  Then kept dropping low repeatedly around 9 M.
10:20 PM felt very shaky and jittery, heart pounding.  Blood sugar was 108.

I have noticed that CT3M really effects my insulin resistance for the better.  I'm not sure that it does it this quickly.  Probably just a fluke.  But the symptoms are similar to what I experience with CT3M, too, so I'm noting them here. 

Wednesday 6/20
7:45 AM 97.58, 100/76, 100
9:30 AM  9 107/73, 101

I awoke very jittery; heart rate was up.

Around 11 AM, I was waiting for my chiropractor to come into the procedure room.  I had just had a massage and he was taking a little longer than usual to come in.  I was really relaxed, but I wasn't sleepy like I usually get.  This is huge, people!

In the car I noticed that my eye sensitivity to light is better. 

I have ENERGY, but my heart isn't racing and I'm not jittery.  Wow!  This feels great!

I can also sense that the brain fog is lifting.  I don't feel like I have this dense mass of clouds between my face and my brain.  As I'm writing this, it's coming up on 1 PM and I can feel that settling a bit more. 

I posted my info on the group and got a recommendation from Paul.  Tomorrow morning I'm going to take 15 mcg and move the time earlier to 5 AM.  It will be hard to split those teensy little 25 mcg Cynomel pills, but oh well.  Next time I need to order, I'm going to try to get a different brand.