May 4, 2012


Things continue to go well for me with CT3M.  I completely cut out my noon and 4 PM doses (1 grain and 1/2 grain NDT, respectively), then increased my Circadian dose to 2 grains and bumped it back from 5 AM to 4:30 AM. 
Before removing the 4 PM dose, I had been seeing an increase in my heart rate, which was concerning since it's on the high end of normal anyway, but dropping the 4 PM dose did the trick.
Regarding symptoms: prior to the stress of the past two weeks which I shall go over in a moment, I had been experiencing only occasional fatigue and flu-like symptoms. I was not irritable or short-tempered very often.  I was a little bit amazed with how well I was feeling, honestly.  

The past two weeks have included travel, stressful doctor's appointments for me (with the NaProTechnology specialist) and my daughter (with the pediatrician who confirmed by x0ray that she has impacted bowels - UGH!).  
The travel was apparently to an area where the pollen count was higher and/or different than here; within an hour of being in the town where we were staying, my allergies were raging: swollen glands, sinus congestion and drainage, headache, and cough.  The cough got worse as time went on, which really took a toll on sleep. 
After my daughter's doctor's appointment, we've been giving her Miralax to, um, aid the process.  My younger daughter who is in the process of potty training has also been having some constipation issues, so we've been dishing out the Miralax all around.  Finally, after 9 days of no bowel movements and a painful night of trying to go, she had a doozie of a BM this morning.  
I'm a bit sick of poo.  
So after the past two weeks, I am experiencing a return of that EXTREME fatigue in the afternoons for a few hours, very sore feet (tell-tale sign for me), and a short-temper. 
 For the past 3 days or so, I've noticed an increase in being wired at bedtime instead of being tired like I was (finally, being tired at bedtime!), as well as having difficulty getting out of bed in the morning. BUT it hasn't taken me long to actually feel awake in the mornings and that is GOOD.
All the same, it stinks to have a bump in the road.  Having these symptoms pop up after they had gone away makes them doubly hard!
To help with this back-slide in adrenal sufficiency, Paul suggested that I buy some T3 as a top up/stess doser for the adrenals.  I'm hoping to do that soon!